Friday, May 29, 2020

Saffy's birthday

Dear Matthew and Toby

At the end of May we celebrated your cousin Saffy's 12th birthday. We all went to your Aunty Chantel's for lunch and had a yummy meal of chicken, pizza, quiche, salad and fruit. Matt, you and Harry proceeded to play with each other non-stop the whole time, mainly wrestling each other on the couch and floor. Tobes, you loved playing with the endless bunnies that are at their house at the moment. You even tried feeding one with a carrot stick. You also ensured the playroom was adequately destroyed.

We sang happy birthday and all enjoyed ice-cream birthday cake together. I know I've said it a hundred times, but you're both so lucky to have so many wonderful, loving cousins like Saffy.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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