Monday, July 27, 2020

Shipwreck museum

Dear Matthew and Toby

During the July school holidays we headed down to our beloved stomping ground of Fremantle to visit the Fremantle Shipwreck Museum with your friends Will, Eddie, Olivia, Jorge and Leo (and my friends Georgina and Robyn). 

Matt, you loved looking at all of the awesome artefacts and shipwrecks that the museum had to offer, and joined in the treasure hunt worksheet that Will was completing. Tobes, you didn't particularly like the museum, my guess because it was quite dark and also because they had a skeleton in it, so half way through the tour you and I abandoned the group (Matt you were happy to stay with everyone) and we took off to the playground. Afterwards you all had a great play together on the epic play equipment on the Esplanade Park. We were lucky to have a beautiful sunny day in the middle of winter and you enjoyed being out and about with some of your favourite friends. 

Love you, 

Mum xxx


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