Monday, July 27, 2020

Aunty Robyn's and Nanna's birthdays and lunch with the cousins

Dear Matthew and Toby

This month we celebrated your aunty Robyn's 25th birthday. Matt you made her a card with a drawing of her favourite Pokemon on it and we all had home made pizza and cake at Ma Ma and Gumps' house to celebrate. You boys love pepperoni pizza and Tobes you especially had a lot of fun making the pizza with Aunty Robyn and Uncle Andrew. 

A few days later we also celebrated your Nanna's birthday by having a yummy breakfast out with her, Darryl and your cousins. Afterwards we went to the new park and bridge in Burswood and enjoyed lunch together and played on the playground. We did a partial walk across the bridge but Tobes you hit a brick wall so we turned back and called it a day, but you both loved spending time with family celebrating.

Love you,

Mum xxx


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