Sunday, August 30, 2020


Dear Matthew and Toby

Seeing as your sibling will be arriving soon, we decided to take one last family holiday as a family of four. Given I would be 38.5 weeks pregnant on our departure, we decided to stay fairly close to home and headed to Lancelin for the weekend. 

We picked up daddy from the city on the Friday night after school and headed up the freeway, with Maccas for dinner on our laps. We didn't get too far before you flaked it Tobes! After about 1.5 hours we arrived at the little apartment right on the beach. We unloaded our car and chilled for the evening, taking in the fresh ocean air. 

The following morning after a big cooked breaky we decided to head to the Pinnacles. I had visited the Pinnacles as a kid and really wanted to show you boys how cool they were. They were about a 30-40 minute drive from Lancelin, and Tobes you fell asleep yet again after being up at the crack of dawn. When we arrived the set up was very different to what was in my memory, with very clear sandy roads through an area wayyy bigger than what I had envisioned as a kid. The benefit to this was that we all got to play hide and seek amongst the amazing rock formations, which was a heap of fun. We took lots of photos and took in the amazing view from one of the platforms. Afterwards we drove around the site for a while and then popped into the gift store for an ice cream. It was very special to me to take you boys to such a wonderful natural phenomenon that I myself had seen as a kid. 

We then drove back to Lancelin and stopped into the pub for lunch. The pub is a beautiful old building right on the beach that serves massive meals and has an outdoor games set. We originally sat on the benches on the grass but were soon attacked by crazy seagulls when our food arrived so made our way under the patio area. Incredibly I bumped into two work friends of mine, and we had a good chat. 

Afterwards we headed back to our apartment for a rest and then went down to the beach in front of our apartment for a windy walk! We then went to the skate park and you both had a scoot around on your scooters before we got some groceries and headed back to the apartment for dinner as it was starting to rain. 

In the morning we enjoyed some family puzzles and games together before heading home via the yummy local bakery. It was a fun babymoon with you two!

Love you, 

Mum xxx


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