Sunday, August 30, 2020

End of pregnancy and Matt's merit certificate

Dear Matthew and Toby

Well! I can't quite believe it but here we are at the end of my third pregnancy, with your baby sibling. At the start of this blog I wrote that I had always wanted you, and specifically three of you, and now you are almost all here. I feel like the luckiest mum alive to have had three heathy pregnancies and I'm about to meet my last baby. I am so content that I know this will be the last Keene family member, my little trio of Keene kids. It will no doubt be chaos but I'm excited to meet your sibling (even though I have been in a bit of denial that this pregnancy has been happening, due to the global plague and all the fun that goes along with that!!). It is reassuring for me to know that I will never have to go through the ups and downs of pregnancy (even though I promise you all that I love being pregnant, I am very lucky to never have vomited from nausea and carried on with most normal things to the very end - but my hips are hurting and it's a struggle just to roll over in bed!). It feels like the end of an era for our little family but also the very beginning of a new stage for us all - of the last 'firsts' but also many 'family firsts', when we're finally all here together. Looking forward to meeting you whenever you decide to appear, our littlest Keene kid. 

Also, Matt you recently received a merit certificate for trying so hard with your writing! I am so proud of you buddy. Unfortunately due to the pandemic it wasn't presented to you during an assembly at school (as all the school kids aren't allowed to gather together just yet) but your teacher presented it to you in class and let us know it was happening. I love your effort and perseverance Matt. 

Love you boys, 

Mum xxx

P.S. Below is our last photo of just the three of us :)


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