Sunday, August 30, 2020

Toby's 3rd birthday party

Dear Matthew and Toby

Tobes, you recently turned three! I can't believe how quickly these three years have gone, you have always felt like you've been here. You are still such a determined, switched-on kid, always absorbing the information around you like a sponge, learning, learning, learning! You are our little pocket rocket and you will never be one to miss out on things! We love you to the moon and back and I'm sad that you'll no longer be my littlest bub shortly but I know you're going to be an amazing big brother.

For your birthday (which we celebrated a week early given your sibling is due a few days before your real birthday and we wanted to make sure you got your party) you woke to presents including some spiky blocks, a digger, a fishing game and a remote control car. We then had a yummy breaky and headed to your favourite park, Carawatha Park, for your party with your cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncle. We had lots of yummy party food and played party games such as pass the parcel and break the piniata. We then sang happy birthday and you got to eat the cake I'd made for you that you'd picked out - a Blippi cake!! I hope you had a wonderful day Tobes! 

Love you boys, 

Mum xxx

P.S. For some reason the photos are in backwards order below, so scroll to the bottom then scroll up! Also check out the epic family photo sequence where you manage to kick your dad in the testicles mid shoot!!

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