Saturday, January 23, 2021

Rotto for New Years!

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Well given 2020 was probably the worst year for the planet since the Spanish Flu of 1918, we decided to start 2021 properly by joining some of your school friends Matt on a trip to Rottnest for the day. 

We headed off nice and early and drove down to the ferry terminal in Fremantle. We got a great seat on the ferry and you all enjoyed watching the waves and tanker ships in the distance on the way over. Once we got there we met your friends in the little township. Some were heading to the other side of the island for a swim but given we had little ones and a pram, we went with another family to Pinkys Bay for a swim in the ocean. Matt, you enjoyed snorkeling with daddy in the water and Tobes you loved building sandcastles on the sand. Luckily for me my friend Brigit held you for a while Josie while you slept and I even got to have a dip in the beautiful water! 

After our swim we headed up to Hotel Rottnest for a long and lazy lunch, with lots of chips, pizza and drinks while we waited for your other friends to join us again Matt. Once they arrived you boys had a brilliant time running around trying to kill each other while the parents attempted to have a conversation! 

Once lunch was over it was time to head back on the ferry, but we quickly headed back into the township to attempt a quokka selfie. You boys loved watching the quokkas and it brought me so much joy seeing you with them, given I have so many positive memories of spending holidays on Rottnest as a kid. Afterwards we enjoyed the ferry ride home and had an early night given we'd been outside in the heat all day! But it was nonetheless a beautiful way to start the year!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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