Saturday, January 23, 2021

Josie at 5 months

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

This is my update from Instagram for Josie for the past month:

I can’t believe you’re already five months old Josie boo! Since your last update we’ve been on your first family holiday (all the way to Mandurah, on the train, because someone still doesn’t love the car, but you have gotten slightly better recently) and survived seven weeks at home with your big brothers without any life-threatening injuries. With school heading back next week I’m looking forward to you and I having two full days by ourselves every week (and when I say two full days, I mean about ten hours total!). This month you’ve loved being on your tummy, and have figured out how to move around in a circle and move backwards. You still love to be held though and mummy’s arms and shoulders are starting to feel the impact of carrying around 9kg all day every day! You have started to giggle and shriek gleefully when the boys are running around like mad or we have friends over to play on the water slide. You’re still sleeping on me all night long which is working a treat because I barely noticed any four month sleep regression and you must be feeding heaps overnight while I sleep because I wake up ravenous and promptly devour five weetbix each and every morning. Yay for breast-sleeping! I’ve started pumping a bit in anticipation for some uni classes coming up in the next few months so fingers crossed you take easily to a bottle, I’ll give it a go later this month with some water and we might start solids close to six months (happy to delay this as long as possible though as it’s always messy and your thighs tell me we’re doing just fine with mummy’s milk!). You’re reaching out for everything at the moment and I bet you’ll be sitting up alone soon too. You also love to stand while holding my hands and can bare weight really well. It’s all starting to come together Josie Wosie!! 

You’re infatuated with Matt, who is so loving and my extra hands when needed, but something tells me you’re actually more like Tobes in personality and you still look like a beautiful mixture of the two. Fingers crossed we survive the school runs together as of Monday without too many breakdowns. We’ve got this Jose!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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