Saturday, January 23, 2021

Toby's first day of Pre-Kindy

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie,

I may have recently written to you about Toby starting daycare a few months back. While you didn't mind attending daycare Tobes, I didn't feel like it was extending you in any way given you were the oldest kid there and often you would just be playing in the sandpit for most of the day rather than having real early childhood education. So over the summer I looked into different options and found the most beautiful pre-kindy nearby. After attending the classrooms and chatting with the teachers I enrolled you on the spot and you started attending a few weeks ago. There are only between 8 and 10 kids in your class, your teacher is the most energetic, happy person on this earth and you are absolutely THRIVING. You keep asking me to go back and if we could afford for you to attend everyday like you want to, we would! 

The other day when I went to pick you up your teachers said you had dumped out all the 'hard' puzzles that they had been keeping aside for the kids who have been attending a while (you can commence in the year you turn three and continue on until you need to attend pre-primary), then you mixed them and quickly put them all back together perfectly. This doesn't surprise me in the slightest Tobes, given you've been incredibly switched on and determined to figure things out since you were a baby. However another day I went to pick you up and apparently you'd been gently disciplined for singing 'poo poo poo' over and over until the other kids started doing the same, so there's still plenty of learning to be had :)

Anyway, I'm so happy you're settled in the most beautiful community Tobes. Matt, I wish we'd known about the place so that you could have attended when you were little but we'll make sure Josie also attends as soon as she gets the chance. 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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