Friday, May 28, 2021

Mother's Day and Tough Mudder

 Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

We celebrated Mother's Day this year with lots of fun events. Tobes your kindy held a little morning where you made me a penne necklace and did some drawing together. On the Saturday we did the Tough Mudder event at your school Matt, where we ran an obstacle course together and got all muddy and dirty! It was lots of fun to do something just with you boys as it's been tricky to spend quality time together lately. Matt you especially loved the water slides!

On the Sunday I had a lovely morning opening the beautiful gifts you have made me (see photos below!) and then we had your dad's side of the family over for a brunch. In the evening we celebrated your Ma Ma with a yummy Indian dinner. 

As always, I am forever grateful to be your mum. People sometimes ask me (often when my eyes are falling out of my head from exhaustion) if I ever thought about not having kids and I always say not for a second - it is you I am so very proud of and you are the reasons for my happiness. You are all the most important things in my life and I would be lost without you. Thank you for making me a mum and for forever making me smile. I love you all so much. 

Love Mum xxx

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