Friday, May 28, 2021

Moving house

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Well, after ten years in our little duplex, we finally moved house this month! We are now living in a proper family home, with a big backyard and room hopefully soon for a pool! We can't believe how lucky we have been to get this place, it was the fourth house we bid on and was actually under offer (with a 48 hour clause - google that and it's implications) until we came along and managed to grab it! We were feeling really defeated at the time as we had just been outbid the weekend before on a place we loved by $50,000 so thought we had no chance with our house, but somehow the stars aligned and we ended up in an even better place! Matt your friend from school even lives down the other end of the street, and we're in a culdesac surrounded by the most lovely neighbours. Everyone in the family helped us on moving day and while we don't have all the furniture that we need yet, we have started to make it our home. We have had a really difficult time since the pandemic hit, especially trying to work, homeschool and study in our tiny duplex so this is an absolute blessing to have this huge house at our disposal should we have any more lockdowns. We have rented out our little duplex to a lovely elderly couple and your aunty Chantel is our property manager so it's in safe hands. We will be staying in our new place for 20 years at least so look forward to slowly making it a real home and filling it with hygge. I have already put up some strings to make an art wall for all your masterpieces and every night we are enjoying the most beautiful sunset in the backyard. In the evenings we can even see the twinkly lights of the city from our front yard. Every morning on the way our school we drive through the uni and say good morning to the horses. We are so, so very lucky. 

I hope you love our home as much as I love the people in it, 

Mum xxx


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