Saturday, October 30, 2021

Matt's 8th birthday

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Matt, you recently turned 8! I can’t believe how big you have gotten!  I feel so privileged to be your mum. You are so kind and loving, easy-going and cheeky. You are my calm amongst the chaos and have saved me many, many times in the past year when I’ve run out of hands trying to help your siblings. Your heart is pure gold Matt, especially when it comes to Josie, you look after her so incredibly well, each and every day. She is ‘your baby’, you have never once seen her as competition and you celebrates all her milestones with such happiness and joy. Our forever-teacher, we so are grateful for you gorgeous boy.

You had the sports carnival on your birthday and then that night we had a yummy pizza dinner with Ma Ma, Gumps and Aunty Robyn to celebrate your special day. On the weekend we had your party at Timezone and all your friends celebrated with you by playing a couple of hours worth of games, eating more pizza and the yummy lolly-topped cupcakes you had requested that Aunty Robyn make you. It was lots of fun and we were so grateful to be able to celebrate with you at yet another safe party in the pandemic.

Love you all,

Mum xxx


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