Saturday, October 30, 2021


Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

As time goes on, I am verrryy slowly finding that I have more capacity to do more things with you all. One of the things I wanted to do this year was decorate a tiny bit for Halloween. Decorating for Halloween isn't a big deal in Australia like it is in the US, however it's fun to get into the spirit of things (see what I did there?!) and dress the house/you all up for trick or treaters. So this year you all wore costumes and we decorated the front yard a little with candles, pumpkins, monster posters, a hanging witch and orange tinsel (see my Instagram for photos) and we registered our house on the new website that tells people they are welcome to come trick or treating. We ended up having quite a number of groups come by which was great. I also put Hocus Pocus for you to watch as this was one of my favourites as a kid (I love the witches, they're hilarious) but you all weren't quite ready for it, maybe next year!

Tobes and Josie, we also had a little Halloween themed day at playgroup where you got to dress up (Josie how cute are you in your pumpkin) and do Halloween-themed sensory play. 

Hopefully we can build on this every year and have a spooktacular Halloween in the future!

Love you all, 

Mum xxx

P.S. I couldn't help but include the photos of Josie below with ice cream all over her face!


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