Monday, November 29, 2021

9th Wedding Anniversary

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Well, it's the end of November and that means it's time to celebrate our wedding anniversary! As usual we headed down to Fremantle to celebrate at The Esplanade where we got married nine years ago. You all came with us and we had a yummy (albeit quick!) lunch filled with milkshakes and chips. It was lovely to celebrate with you three given you are the best things to come from your mum and dad falling in love sixteen years ago. It baffles my mind to think  that we have been married for almost a decade. We have absolutely had our ups and downs, really good seasons and really crappy ones, but at the end of the day we choose to love each other through it all. I'm grateful that we especially survived through the last few very stressful years - I never expected to have to navigate a pandemic in our lifetimes but I would have been so lost navigating it without your dad. I know we aren't the best example of married life, but I hope you all remember the times when we worked as a team, practiced patience and kept our common goal in sight - to raise three beautiful kids into three beautiful adults, together. 

Love you all,
Mum xxx


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