Monday, November 29, 2021

End of year dance concert and kindy concert

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

I love this time of year because it's we have your end of year concerts! They always make my heart smile and although I'm sad another year is over, I am just so proud of watching you in them. 

Matt, as usual we had your final dance concert in the big auditorium at a local high school, and your class did a dance to John Farnham's 'You're the Voice'. It was awesome to see you all dressed up in a tie dye top out there performing the routine you'd put together. At the end of the concert the whole school also performed a song together, as there's a change happening in your school next year and it was the last time everyone was performing together, and you farewelled your lovely principal. As we sat in the audience, maskless, we also knew it may be one of the last times that we were able to safely gather in such big numbers, as the borders would be open some time next year, so we didn't know what the next year's dance concert would look like. It made us savour the night so much more. 

Tobes, you had two end of year concerts this year as your kindy holds one for each day that students attend. Your grandparents came along and we all watched you sing (ever so quietly!) a few Christmas carols and you got given your graduation certificate and final report. You have absolutely thrived at your kindy Tobes, and I will forever be indebted to your beautiful teachers (see them in the photo below!) who have helped get you ready for big school so well. I can't wait until Josie comes back to the centre in a few years. We had a some yummy shared food with your class at the end of the concerts and I may have shed a tear or two saying goodbye to the centre and your wonderful teachers. 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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