Thursday, December 30, 2021

December Shenanigans

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Well as usual December has been jam-packed for our little family! First off the bat we have had our playgroup final session for the year. I was a bit sad at this session as it's the last one that you will be able to attend Tobes, because next year you'll be in kindy, and you have absolutely loved coming to the sessions. We decorated Christmas biscuits, enjoyed a yummy spread of Christmas treats and then we got to have fun with the animals that visited from a petting zoo. Tobes you absolutely loved the rabbits, Josie you weren't happy touching any of the animals so we just looked on from afar!

We also did more decorating at home, and had our first visit from our elf!! As you can see form the photos below, he entered through our front door and left a trail of footprints, as has proceeded to get up to mischief every since! We have lots of fun with him and you all look forward to seeing what craziness he has gotten up to every morning when you wake up. As per tradition we have also been decorating a ginger bread house that your elf left for you to decorate and have been doing bits and bobs of other craft activities from your presents on the calendar. 

So there's lots of fun being had in mummy's favourite month. The Christmas spirit is alive and well in the Keene household! Mummy is feeling all the magic of this time of year and I sincerely hope you are too. Some of my greatest moments of joy are watching you experience the magic of Christmas - it's what life is all about!!

Love you all, 
Mum xxx


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