Thursday, December 30, 2021

Early Christmas Catch Ups

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie,

In the last week before Christmas we have been filling our days with the usual pre-Christmas events and activities. We went to your Ma Ma and Gumps' house and had afternoon tea/early dinner with my cousins and their kids, and my Aunty, and your Aunty Robyn and Uncle Andrew. You all had lots of fun catching up with all your first cousins once removed (or is it second cousins?), running around playing hide and seek and eating copious amounts of sugar. You also had fun playing with the rocket game where you use your foot to press down on the trigger and off launches a rocket (into the pool on more than once occasion). Josie you weren't too sure about all these extra faces around you, and refused to eat anything that was offered to you from someone you didn't know well :) Luckily you are attached at the hip to Ma Ma and ended up being a little koala in her lap for most of the afternoon. Ma Ma gave all the kids a little Christmas present each and you all ate cupcakes and hot dogs while us adults had some yummy nibbles. It was a lovely summer's evening.  

We have also been doing little activities like making foam Christmas characters and writing our letter to Santa (check out his reply below!). 

A couple of nights before Christmas we hosted Maree and Grandad at our place for dinner as we weren't going to be catching up with them on Christmas Day. They spoilt you all with presents - Tobes you got an awesome big lego set, Matt you got some fancy art gear and Josie got some books. It was another lovely relaxed evening leading up to the big day. 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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