Thursday, December 30, 2021

Christmas Eve

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

And just like that, Christmas Eve was upon us! We were very lucky to be able to spend the day at Adventure World with your cousins, Aunty Chantel, Uncle Andrew, nanna and Darryl. We almost missed out given new restrictions were put in place again by the government as the coronavirus has made it's way back in WA again, and this time it looks to be getting out of control given it's the most easily spread variant to date. Anyway, we were all outside so off we trotted to have some fun!

Boys, you enjoyed going on the rides with your cousins and daddy while Josie you enjoyed just being in the pool and water play areas with mummy and your cousin Mikayla. Matt I don't think you realised just how intense some of the rides are as you came back a bit shell-shocked! The weather was intense, at least 40 degrees, so we spent lots of time in the water and relaxing under our shelter. We had some lunch and exchanged presents and watched you all try to play bumper-cars on the sky rail near by. 

In the afternoon we said goodbye to the fam and headed home to get ready for the big guy's appearance. We sprinkled reindeer food on the driveway and put out some carrots for them too, and also some biscuits and milk for Santa. 

I couldn't have asked for a more relaxed day leading into Christmas! 

Love you all, 
Mum xxx


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