Monday, January 31, 2022

After Christmas catch ups and park visits

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Well, with another Christmas over we headed over to your great-grandparents' new digs for our traditional Boxing Day lunch with them. They have recently moved back to Perth after living just out of Mandurah for 16 years and it was a strange feeling not being on their balcony near the water at their old place, but change is the only constant and it's good that they're closer to needed medical care here. 

On New Year's Eve we had dinner and a swim at our the house of some of your school friends and we all walked down the park together and you got to drive their cool electronic kids' care. We also went to our favourite park in Mosman Park over the break for a picnic and just enjoy the views over the river and some nature play. 

All in all it was a lovely time between Christmas and the start of 2022 (which we are hoping is better than the last 2 years, but aren't holding our breaths!). 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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