Monday, January 31, 2022

Mandurah 2022

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

With Josie still not loving (but not completely hating) the car, we set off to Mandurah again on another close-to-home holiday. This time we lucked out and we didn't have to take the train together Josie, as you've very much improved since our last attempt at a trip! 

We stayed at the most awesome resort (and have already booked to come back for your dad's 40th next year), as it had a beautiful pool, great outdoor play spaces for kids, a great set up in the apartment (boys you loved the spa) and was close to the estuary and a brewery - winning!

As you can see from the photos, we spent a lot of time swimming, scooting around the neighbourhood and enjoying the playground at the brewery. 

We also visited the stromatolites just a bit out of town, took a wander around Mandurah and joined in on some crabbing with some local kids. I'm really keen to take you all on some nature hikes or guided tours in the national parks near Mandurah (and do some cool night time animal tours) so we will put that on the list for future visits when you're all a bit older. 

It was a really relaxing holiday and it was great to get some family time in before the hecticness of school begins soon. 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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