Monday, January 31, 2022

Coronavirus vaccine, a zoo trip and catch up with friends

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie,

Just a few little things to report this month. 

Firstly Matt you got your coronavirus vaccine! So grateful that this got approved before school went back so that you could at least get part coverage while back in the classroom. The virus had started to spread a bit now so it was great to tick this off. Your dad took you and you did mostly fine but his account - well done! 

Secondly we went to the zoo for one of their late night openings and Josie you seemed to be ecstatic about this judging by your reaction in the gorgeous photos below! You absolutely love animals so any mention of the zoo and you're all for it. We are members now so hopefully we'll be able to get there quite a bit this year. 

Lastly we had a holiday catch up with our lovely friends and you got to play with all their kids - Will, Eddie, Olivia, Jorge and Leo. I love that our families are growing up together. You boys went off and played in the (very) muddy water and kept yourselves nicely entertained while us mums caught up. 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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