Thursday, December 29, 2022

Christmas Day

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Christmas Day finally arrived! Santa had been overnight, the milk was drunk and carrots and biscuits eaten up. You all managed quite a good sleep-in thank goodness and woke up to see all the presents under the tree. You all got spoilt and ended up with everything you had asked for! Josie you were mostly excited about your plastic sea animals, plastic balls and bubbles, Tobes you were happy with your tanks, army men and guns and Matt you loved your squishmallow and the Switch. 

For breakfast, as tradition goes, we had icecream on waflles. We then prepared for lunch and your Ma Ma, Gumps, Aunty Robyn and Uncle Andrew joined us, along with my Aunty Jeany and cousin Suzannah. We opened presents together and your Ma Ma had made you all gorgeous Christmas present sacks (see photos below) and again you were spoilt silly! We had a beautiful lunch of ham and salads, and then ate our body weight's in dessert. In the afternoon we played Christmas charades, tortilla slap, watched a Christmas movie and you boys got to have a swim in our new pool! Josie you loved playing with your plastic balls on the trampoline with Gumps, and were out there for an hour jumping around and laughing with him. 

It was a very relaxing Christmas day and I am so grateful everyone we love was happy and healthy, and we got to have another Christmas in our beautiful home.

Love you all, 

Mum xxx

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