Thursday, December 29, 2022

Boxing Day

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

For Boxing Day this year we weren't able to go to my nanna and grandad's house as usual as nanna had had a bad turn a week or so prior, so Ma Ma and Gumps hosted at the last minute. We had a nice big lunch together with all your Gumps' side of the family, and Aunty Jeany and Suzannah. Boys you enjoyed playing Switch with Suzannah and Josie you loved drawing with chalk in their backyard. It was lovely to see everyone as we don't get to catch up with Gumps' side of the family very often. You were all spoilt with chocolate and money for your bank accounts. Hopefully nanna is on the mend and we will be back to usual programming next year.

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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