Saturday, April 12, 2014

Five months old and we're applying for high school

Dear Matthew

A couple of weeks ago your dad and I thought we better get our butts into gear and head to the primary school we'd like you to attend to pick up an application. We want you to attend Yidarra, with the intention of continuing onto Corpus Christi Collage which sits on the same site. We have chosen these schools because they're Catholic, co-ed and not (we hope) filled with rich, spoilt kids, but well rounded, caring kids of both sexes. We hope you like our decision and that you enjoy school for the friendships and fun you will have (while hopefully learning a bit along the way). 

Good thing we did too, as interviews with the principal take place when you're two, and we need a good reference from the parish priest so we've become regular church goers since then!

You seem to like going to church, as there's a lot happening, plenty of people to watch and music to listen to. I'm so happy you were baptised at St Thomas More, it is a lovely community and luckily, just up the road!

Anyway, after stopping by Yidarra we walked down to Corpus Christi College and met with the registrar, who said she amazingly already had a 2026 folder (this will be the year you start year seven) and wasn't surprised we were stopping in to pick up forms. Five months old and we're applying for high school, it's crazy! 


Mum xxx

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