Thursday, April 17, 2014

Solids for my baby!

Dear Matthew

Last week we gave in and gave you your first taste of solids!

We started with wholemeal rice cereal and by the end of the week you had tried banana, sweet potato, pumpkin, sweet corn, beef and chicken (all puréed of course). 

I also gave you a rusk which you devoured urgently the first time but are yet to like one since. 

When you had the rice cereal on its own you weren't a big fan but combined with banana or breast milk you liked it, and every other food you scoffed down! To the point where you were grabbing the spoon from my hand and shoving it in your mouth! 

I'm so glad you're a good eater, it is going to make life much easier and you are going to be able to experience some amazing flavours! 

Again, I'm sad you're no longer needing breast milk exclusively but glad you're growing into a healthy, independent little boy. 

It's also wonderful that your dad can now join in with your feeds, I think he really likes it. 


Mum xxx

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