Thursday, April 17, 2014

Your first certificate

Dear Matthew

Last week was your final class of Gymbaroo for the term and at the end of the class you received your first certificate!

Gymbaroo has been a lot of fun, especially given half the class is made up of mums and bubs from mothers group. It's been a great bonding experience and has given me tons of exercises to do with you at home. I also learnt a lot about babies' vestibular systems and what actually helps babies develop (I freaked the first time we were asked to turn you upside down but you loved it and started laughing). 

We have signed you up again for next term. We are also going to keep going to rhyme time at the library, swimming (probably at Fremantle Pool once we finish up at the physio hydrotherapy pool next week) and meeting up with mothers group. We have also been looking into a play group but I'm not sure whether we're going to go ahead with that one given its probably going to be held on a day I will eventually be working so it might not be worthwhile paying the large joining fee, we'll just have to see. 

Anyway, I'm super proud of you! Great work little boy on finishing term 1 :)


Mum xxx

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