Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A few little updates

Dear Matthew

Just a few little updates on what's been happening these past couple of week:

1. We got Wiggles tickets to their concert in November! Woohoo! You are obsessed with the Wiggles so I can't wait to go with you and your Nanna- the look on your face will be brilliant to see I'm sure! And to be honest I don't think I've ever been more excited to see a concert!

2. At the end of last term's gymbakids you got given your participation certificate, which is normal except for the fact that YOU got given it to hold, rather than me, which was one of my proudest moments so far as a mum. It sounds silly but when your instructor Sharyn called your name up to go and collect our certificate and you walked up, took it from her and walked back to me with a smile on your face, I can honestly say I almost had tears in my eyes. And it's gymbakids. I will be a total mess come school assembles when you get awards!

3. You are really enjoying swimming at the moment. Long gone are the days of you bring grumpy in the water. And although you still don't feel the need to kick often, you are using your arms well, go underwater must easier and can jump in off the side like a trooper. It's lots of fun to do lessons with my little water baby. 


Mum xxx

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