Wednesday, July 29, 2015

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo

Dear Matthew

Most of the other families in our parents group have had zoo membership for a while now so we decided to jump on the bandwagon and do the same. I'm so glad we did because you really love visiting the animals and its a lovely way for our little family to spend a couple of hours. 

On your first trip we went through the African Safari where you got to see zebras, giraffes, rhinos, lions, meerkats and hyenas. The meerkats are by far your favourites (you call them meh-catz) as they have a great viewing platform with glass at your level that you can look right into. See photos of this trip below.

The second time we went we had organised to go with the parents group families but only Hayley and her daughter Charlotte ended up coming but amazingly we bumped into my cousin Kate who lives in Busselton, along with her husband Paul and kids Mia and Dusty (they had been up for an engagement party and decided to visit the zoo) so we walked around with them too. 

The third time we visited we were actually in the zoo while one of the organgutans escaped from her enclosure by jumping out (this was not expected as organgutans don't usually know how to jump). We didn't actually see her escape but must have literally just walked past the exhibit before she did it! 

It's so lovely to take you to the zoo- you really enjoy it and I'm reliving my childhood with you!

Love you my darling boy,

Mum xxx

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