Saturday, July 11, 2015

A weekend away and animal overload

Dear Matthew

A couple of weekends ago we took a trip to Jarradale as my work friend was celebrating his 40th birthday at a retreat in Serpentine so we decided to make a weekend of it and stay overnight at a bed and breakfast. 

We arrived in the afternoon and settled in at Jim and Kerry's (get it? If not you need to watch the Ace Ventura movies) bed and breakfast before heading off to the party. Unfortunately you hadn't slept all day so it wasn't long before you passed out in my arms and we headed back to the B and B (via the pub for some takeaway fish and chips as while the booze was flowing at the party the same couldn't be said for the food). You randomly woke at 4am for an hour but luckily you were in a good mood (you kept covering your legs with the blanket and then pulled the blanket away while exclaiming 'LEGS!!') and didn't wake the owners or other guests. 

The next morning we had breakfast, said goodbye to our hosts and headed to the Cahuna Koala Park in Byford. The weather all weekend had been pretty miserable so we literally had the park to ourselves and luckily had blue skies for the pocket of time we were there. 

You had a fantastic time at the park, my favourite moments being:

1. When we first arrived you got to feed the ponies which you were confident and happy to do. 

2. When you fed a donkey some popcorn and it engulfed your entire hand you didn't freak out. The same could not be said for your mum. 

3. You loved going up to all the kangaroos and got down to their level at times to have a grand old chat. 

4. You splashed in muddy puddles all around the park and gave your parents a good laugh when you stacked it in the biggest one. Thank goodness for spare clothes :)

After the park we headed home, so it was a quick but very fun weekend away. 

Thank you for being the joyful little boy that you are. We love you so much. You made the  weekend so enjoyable with your eagerness, your inquisitive nature and your go with the flow personality. 


Mum xxx

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