Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Riding in a dig-dig

Dear Matthew

You are obsessed with all things machinery and construction. You love yours diggers, trucks, buses, cement mixers, stream rollers, aeroplanes, cars, tractor boats, bikes, cranes- you name it!

We've bought you a few tonka toys and you enjoy using them in your sand pit and in the dirt in the back garden but of course nothing compares to the real thing. On Wednesdays when you are looked after by gramps while your dad and I work, you and him usually walk around Applecross looking for construction sites to watch the machines at work. Sometimes. You will sit there for 1.5 hours watching houses being bashed down, cement being laid etc. 

However a few weeks ago you got to experience something even better when the council workers came past your grandparents house on a Wednesday for the scheduled green waste collection. The next door neighbours had recently cut down quite a large tree from their yard so the truck that the waste was being collected in filled to capacity so had to drive off to be emptied, leaving the workers with the bobcat they were using to fill the truck and time to have their lunches.  Lucky you then got to walk around the bobcat, even get inside it and pretend to drive it!

Apparently you were in your element and kept saying 'dig-dig!' which is your word for digger over and over again. Such a lucky boy!

Glad you have found a real interest- who knows if you'll end up working in construction, or as a mechanic or something related to the industry in the future! In any event I know what kind of cake to make for your second birthday!

Love you,

Mum xxx

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