Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Changes to our swimming routine

Dear Matthew
We've made some changes to our swimming routine recently that took a lot of listening to my mummy instincts/gut. From about four months old you have been going to swimming lessons but recently you have started to hate them, you won't follow the instructions and are generally upset at letting go of me or going underwater.
So! Rather than flog a dead horse we decided to stop doing them and simply take you to the kids area at Fremantle Aquatic Centre where you can actually have FUN and hopefully learn to swim at your own pace. Both your dad and I get to get in the water with you this way and we follow your lead.
On reflection, this is how I learnt how to swim- being with my parents in the water regularly. When we eventually upgrade our house it will be a priority to buy one with a pool so you and your future sibling/s will have a chance to play in it often.
I was a bit apprehensive at first because I didn't want to de-familiarise you with the water (as we are less likely to go every week without having prepaid for lessons) but despite the cold temperatures lately you have been insisting on getting into your Gramps and Ma Ma's pool to play with your dump truck. Apparently you spent 3.5 hours in the pool the other day, sitting on the step playing while Ma Ma did her sewing nearby. So much for worrying :) You have even insisted on going 'woutside!' (as you call it) when it's pitch-black and freezing, leading to an almighty tantrum when we refused to let you.

Love how you feel comfortable in the water beautiful boy. Thank you for putting your worried mum's mind at ease.

Love you,

Mum xxx

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