Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My little cutie

Dear Matthew
We've had a pretty chilled April, which has been nice after a pretty full-on March. I thought I'd just share some of my favourite photos of you from this month :)

You're such an outdoors kid, so much so that every time we see a tree big enough to climb you always say 'climbing tree, mummy!' and if it's big enough I'll hoist you up into it. I love how you did the perfect gaze-off-into-the-distance pose in these photos.

Here you are with Chloe from mothers group. We are at the park but you two were mesmerised by the digger (whose technical name is an excavator- I never thought I'd need to know these things haha!).

Passed out after a long day. Look at how long your legs are! Where has my baby gone?! 

Cutie above in his car seat and below snuggled into his daddy for a nap and passed out on mum.

Exploring in the 'bush' across the road from our house. We haven't done this since the cooler weather ended last year because I became a bit petrified of snakes (a lecturer's wife at my work died from a snake bite so I have become a bit paranoid). Now that we're well into autumn it's time to explore again! You love pulling bark off trees and digging in whatever dirt you can find.

Playing with your daddy at the park. Check out Soda's happy face :) You love getting out of the house, kicking your soccer ball around and climbing the playground at our local reserve.

I cannot tell you how much of a joy you are to be around at the moment (sans the occasional two year old tantrum). Your language, cognitive understanding and both fine and gross motor skills are exploding and it's amazing to wake up every day and find that you've seemingly figured out new skills overnight. You make me abundantly proud. Not only that, you are a gentle, beautifully natured kid and you make me want to be a better person. You are constantly walking up to everyone and hugging them (including kids at the playground which is funny) but you truly know how to make people feel loved and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you for being you.

Love you,

Mum xxx

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