Saturday, August 26, 2017

A park, a fair, the beach and lunch!

Dear Matthew
Last weekend your dad didn't have to play soccer so we had a great family weekend altogether. On the Saturday we visited Brathwaite Park which has a great nature based playground. You loved exploring and although the weather wasn't brilliant it didn't put you off.
On the Sunday however the weather was magnificent, which was lucky as we visited a fair where your cousin Mikayla was performing a gymnastics routine. You got to pat a camel and eat a yummy ice cone. You and Harry also enjoyed dancing/wrestling together. We then went to Hillary's with Aunty Chantel, Andrew, Nanna and Darryl and you enjoyed building a sandcastle before we all had a yummy lunch together in one of the restaurants.
It was a really lovely weekend and you took the opportunity to talk to everyone, asking all sorts of questions (you have really come out of your shell all of a sudden!). It's beautiful to watch you being so engaged with family members and strangers alike :)
Love you my little chatterbox,
Mum xxx 




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