Monday, August 7, 2017


Dear Keene kids,
On Sunday we celebrated you, baby Keene! My friend Nat hosted a blessingway for you at her house. It was only small, my nearest and dearest girlfriends/family members coming together to celebrate you joining our family soon.
Matt and Charlie (Nat's almost 2 year old son) loved playing together, and even got into her chicken coup at one point! It was so cute! Matt I have no idea how you managed to get into the chicken's area as the gate was closed but you and Charlie were clearly very stealth!
I had my tummy painted by the lovely Nat and baby Keene, you moved the whole time which made it very fun to watch. Nat even painted Matt's face as a tiger, which he loved. I've got some beautiful memories from the morning and I'm so pleased we were able to celebrate you in the same way we celebrated Matt.
You're due to join us in about two weeks baby Keene, although I think you'll be hanging around for probably another four (I just have this feeling). I predict your birthday as 1 September, a Spring bubba, or some day soon after that. It's going to take a lot of strength for me to remember that you are perfectly fine where you are, and that it's very important to me that you get to choose your birthday.
I've got three days left of work before we can all relax together, and Matt and I can enjoy some mummy-son time before you join us baby Keene.
Love you both,
Mum xxx 

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