Thursday, August 31, 2017

To my first baby

Dear Matthew

This will be my last post to just you, my beautiful firstborn. I am currently almost 10 days post my estimated due date with your sibling so no doubt in the next four or five days we will no longer be a little family of three.

I want you to know how loved you are. I want you to know how coming home after work to be greeted by you is the best part of my day. I want you to know that you bring so much meaning to my life, more than I could have ever imagined.

I hope this next phase of your life, where you become a big brother, is a time of happiness. No doubt we will have our ups and downs as we try to find a new normal and adjust to having a newborn in the house but I hope that at the end of the day, you still feel cherished and loved. Because you always are and always will be.

I hope you see your sibling as the greatest gift we could even give you, to share your childhood with, to experience life with and to remember your parents with when we're no longer around. They say siblings are the longest friends you'll even have - and I hope it's so very true for you and the little one in my tummy.

Know you have been our greatest blessing and I thank the universe everyday that we were chosen to be your parents.

Love you,

Mum xxxxx

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