Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Halloween 2017

 Dear Matthew and Toby

To celebrate Halloween this year we headed into my work to do some trick or treating. Matt, you dressed up as a pirate and Toby you pretty much slept the whole time 😊 

I’m lucky that Notre Dame has an agreement with American universities where each semester some of its students come and study with us, so there are always American students on campus. These students run the trick or treating, and my gosh, it’s next level! The decorations, costumes and activities were just amazing. Matt, you got to decorate a pumpkin, have a bat painted on your face and then go trick or treating upstairs to the American students’ rooms where you were given a massive amount of ‘candy’. See the photos below for the awesome set up they had going on.

You really loved the experience Matt and every time we have been to my work since (just to drop in for a few different other events, while I’m on maternity leave) you have asked if we can go trick or treating and I have to (attempt) to explain to you that it only happens once a year! But I hope it means that you have fun at my work (my boss Rommie usually ensures this happens every time you visit anyway) and you don’t mind me going.

Looking forward to trick or treating with you both next year – when Toby will be able to walk around collecting candy by himself!

Love you both,

Mum xxx

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