Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Matthew's 4th birthday

Dear Matthew and Toby

At the end of last month we celebrated Matt's 4th birthday . I can't believe you're already 4, Matt! You are growing into the most gorgeous little boy, and have really come out of your shell lately. You talk to anyone (including strangers, and usually about your 'yellow dog called Soda') and love catching up with kids at our various play dates so you can play with them. Your friends have become 'my baby Rose' and 'my Charlie' and it's so wonderful to see these little relationships developing. You love going to your kindy with your dad on Wednesdays, catching the train into the city with him and doing fun activities with the kids all day. You're looking forward to attending big school next year with Chloe from mother's group and you especially love playing Nintendo with your dad (and you're really good at it!).  I am so proud of you, my sweet, joyful son.

On your birthday we woke to you finding your presents waiting for you in the living room, including a big boy bike! You also got an ankylosaurus (your favourite dinosaur), a helmet, a pirate costume, a pirate book and a dinosaur book.

Later that morning we hosted your friends for a 'messy' party where we turned the backyard into a various mixture of activities. We had play dough, rock decorating, shaving cream in a tub, coloured rice, painting, digging in the sand pit, the paddling pool, slippery slide and water balloons. You and your friends had heaps of fun getting messy together.

We sang happy birthday to you and you loved the monster truck cake your dad and I had made for you (apologies - it wasn't made from scratch but I figured given Toby was only 7 weeks old we were off the hook for an elaborate cake!).

For the rest of the day you enjoyed playing with your cousins and opening your presents.

You have already started planning next year's party :)

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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