Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Three months with Toby

Dear Matthew and Toby

It’s now been almost three months since ‘Squish’/‘Tobster’/‘Toby Woby’ joined the family. It’s been a wonderful time and I can honestly say I love having two kids. I found it really difficult the first time around on maternity leave, probably because I was coming to terms with a huge identity shift, whereas this time I am loving being at home with my two beautiful boys.

Toby, you are SO. EASY. You sleep for ridiculous amounts of time in one go, you don’t cry in the car and you are pretty happy being walked from room to room in the pram while I do chores. You absolutely adore Matt and Matt adores you. I couldn’t have asked for a better transition to second time motherhood.

You rolled over for the first time at 11 weeks, and (luckily? Unluckily?) your dad was home from work sick so we both got to watch you roll over together. You have incredible head control, are doing mini sit ups to try and see what’s going on and you like tummy time because you can keep an eye on what’s going on in the room.

You also laughed for the first time at 11 weeks, at your big brother and it was music to my ears! Baby giggles are one of the best things this world has to offer and it is so lovely watching Matt made you chuckle.

We left you for the first time on the weekend while we attended a wedding and you happily guzzled down the pumped breast milk I’d left for you from a bottle. Ma Ma and Gumps enjoyed baby cuddles and you took it all in your stride, ala typical Toby style.

Thank you for being such a happy go lucky baby Mr Tobmeister.

Love you both,

Mum xxxRestarted at 10:03


Dear Matthew

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