Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Preparing for Toby's first Christmas

Dear Matthew and Toby

Well, it’s that time of year again! Christmas is slowly approaching and Matt this is the first Christmas where we can have a conversation about Santa coming, what presents you want, the magical reindeers etc and it’s just awesome. I am a HUGE fan of Christmas and having children has really brought back the specialness of this time of year.

In preparation for the big day, we wrote a letter to Santa. You asked for a Rescue Bots transformer, water balloons and a crane. This has since changed to a Power Rangers Megazord, dinosaur chomper thingymajig, and a Power Rangers costume. Needless to say, Santa may wait till the last minute to confirm what you want ๐Ÿ˜Š

We posted our letter to Santa in the Australia Post letter box and are now just eagerly waiting his reply.

We’ve also put up some new Christmas lights outside on our carport for the first time and the look on your face Matt when we turned them on was priceless. You now ask to turn them on at night and make us stand back to admire them all together, I love it!

Looking forward to having a wonderful Christmas with both my boys. Toby this will of course be your first Christmas and I’m so looking forward to sharing it with you.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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