Thursday, August 23, 2018

Book week

Dear Matthew and Toby

This week has been book week at school and Matt you were so excited to dress up as Where’s Wally. You absolutely love the Where’s Wally series, and have 4 books that you constantly choose as part of your bedtime stories. You often are most interested in finding ‘funny stuff’ (funny things happening in the illustrations) than Wally – and as I’m putting Toby to sleep in the other room I often hear you pissing yourself laughing as your dad points out the ‘funny stuff’.
So luckily K-Mart had a costume that was perfect for you and off you went to school all dressed up. As your dad is on parental leave he got to watch you do parade around the school with your classmates. As you can see from the photos you were loving it, absolutely beaming being Wally!

I’m so pleased you enjoy reading,  and reading to you in bed is such a wonderful way to spend the last parts of the day. Toby you also love to read, and are absolutely captivated with an ABC animals book and a lift the flap animals book. I hope you both continue enjoy reading, it will open so many doors and expand your mind in a way no other medium could. It is such a blessing to have books and the ability to read, I hope you continue to love what they have to offer.

Love you both,

Mum xxx

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