Thursday, August 30, 2018

Toby-woo is almost 1!

Dear Matthew and Toby

I can't believe my littlest boy is almost 1! This last year has absolutely flown by. It feels like you've always been here Toby, even though I know it's only been 365 days. What an absolute blessing you have been.

Reflecting on the last year has made me realise how far we've all come as a family. When you were born Matt, your dad and I were new to this parenting business and quite honestly, were shocked at how much was involved in raising a baby and we both struggled with the identity shift, despite loving you so very much. The second time around, we were used to what a baby needs and had better expectations of what was to come, so I think we managed a lot better this past year, despite having two children to look after.

We can really start to see your personality shining through Toby, and the word that continues to pop up is DETERMINED. Always always are you trying to keep up with your big brother, meeting your next milestone at an incredibly quick rate, communicating in whatever way you can (pointing, screaming, lunging your whole body) to get what you want. You also laugh at the oddest things, like when you're just staring out the window of the car when we're driving, and you head butt the animals, which I think is your way of hugging them. You love being outside and walking around with a chopstick in your hand. You say heaps of words: mum, dada, Matt, Soda, woof, bird, ball, boobie, up, bath, Pepper. You watch everything that's happening, taking it all in, continuously learning. We schlep you around everywhere and despite not loving the car 100% still, you love the opportunity to do something new, even if it's just a walk down the park or the school run. You fall asleep with me every night around 7pm and we cuddle all night long. I am not wishing these days away - they are rather beautiful with you.  

Matt, you have been the most wonderful big brother and we are just so proud of you. I admit I was slightly worried given you were an only child for almost 4 years before Toby came along, but you have shown again and again how thoughtful you are, sharing (mostly) quite willingly and always running to get a nappy/wipes/anything I need when changing Toby. It has made my heart sing how much you love your little brother.

So on the eve of my baby becoming an official toddler (despite toddling for many months already), I am sad to say goodbye to the first year but I look back and smile at the year filled with joy. I am so grateful for that year in which we didn't just survive, we thrived.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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