Thursday, August 30, 2018

Studying with kids

Dear Matthew and Toby
One of the challenges of the last month has been trying to fit in my study while ensuring you both don't miss out on mummy time. This has proven even trickier now that I'm back at work, as the days are long and more mentally exhausting. The only time when I'm able to study currently is when you are both sound asleep in bed, and only until my eyelids become heavy or the clock strikes midnight, whichever comes first. However I love it, I have no regrets about doing my Masters, it enriches me in a way I struggle to describe.
I want you both to know that the greatest gift you have been given (apart from your health) is the gift of time. You can choose to spend it however you wish. This is how I have chosen to spend mine - pushing myself, doing things that challenge me, that take me out of my comfort zone. I am growing, each night while I study in the dark, with a baby beside me and a pre-schooler in the next room, I am growing.
I keep reminding myself that even though by the end of this semester I will be almost half way through the degree, I will likely still have 3-4 years to go. This means that by the time I walk across that graduation stage, you will both be 3-4 years older, and with any luck you will have that image etched in your memory of your mum reaping the rewards of many years of hard work. Every day I say to you both 'keep practising x, your brain will grow with each practise and it will teach your body how to do it'. Matt, you already know this truth, because you'll reply 'I keep practising and I did it!' I hope to be the living testament that this holds true in life, no matter your age. You can ALWAYS learn more, your intelligence is not fixed and the more you know about the world, the better your compassion, understanding and empathy is for those who are not exactly like you. I urge you to always be learning. Even if it means you're in the dark, holding both a baby and a highlighter, pondering a theory while also mentally writing a grocery list.
Love you boys,
Mum xxx


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