Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Grandad's retirement party

Dear Matthew and Toby

A couple of weekends ago we celebrated your grandad's retirement from the police-force. He has been working with the force for over 43 years which is an amazing achievement.

To celebrate we all went over to Grandad and Maree's house for lunch, along with your aunty Chantel, Andrew and all your cousins. Your aunty Robyn had made him an amazing cake (see the photo below). It was a great celebration, despite Toby's face in the top photo :)

Hopefully this means we can catch up more with Grandad and Maree and it means that 5 out of 6 of your grandparents are now retired. You are both so lucky to have so many grandparents who love you and have the capacity to spend quality time with you. I so missed this when I was growing up and it makes my heart sing to think that you both will get to have special memories of them being part of your every day life.

Love you both,

Mum xxx

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