Monday, August 30, 2021

School disco

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Last Friday you had your annual school disco Matt! As always I am so grateful you were able to experience this safely! Your friend Michael came over to our place beforehand and your dad drove the both of you there. I'm told you had a great time running around with your friends and playing bey blades haha!

As an aside, your dad and I get to have our first covid vaccinations this month! We are so lucky to finally be in the priority group. I'm glad I didn't procrastinate on booking us in either, as a few of our friends in our age bracket did and they ran out of booking slots, so some now have to wait until October before they can even have their first one. Hopefully with your dad and I being vaccinated, you'll all be better protected until you can receive your own vaccines (hopefully in early 2022). 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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