Monday, August 30, 2021

Aunty Robyn's birthday

 Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Today marks Aunty Robyn's 26th birthday and we celebrated by going to breakfast together at a lovely cafe near Ma Ma and Gumps' house and then headed back to their house for some yummy cake that Aunty Robyn had made (she is a very talented baker and as you know, has made a number of your birthday cakes). Tobes you helped Aunty Robyn open her presents and blow our her candles. Josie you never left Ma Ma's side, as she has become your obsession and needless to say I'm quietly (or not so quietly) happy to have free hands again. It was great to be able to celebrate your Aunty Robyn together, she is one of a kind and loves on you all continuously through her time and energy (and baking talents!). 

Love you all,

Mum xxx

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