Monday, August 30, 2021

Toby's hospital stay

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Unfortunately we had something not so nice happen to you recently Tobes. During the school holidays we had a bunch of kids over to our new house for a playdate. During the playdate you were bounced off the trampoline as you were getting down from it. You hit the back of your head on the cement path and experienced an extremely bad concussion. You came inside crying hysterically and I instantly knew something was wrong. There wasn't any blood or anything, but you wouldn't let me near you and wanted to fall asleep in Matt's bed. I started to get worried and would keep checking on you but you wouldn't let me near you. Then you started to vomit and I knew we had to get to the hospital ASAP. I loaded you and Josie in the car, left Matt with one of the friends who was over and we sped to our local hospital (now affectionately known as 'your hospital'). We met your dad there and after many hours of monitoring (and a few more vomits) we were told to bring you home, but bring you right back if anything bad continued. So your dad brought you home that night but within half an hour you had vomitted twice we he took you straight back in and they did a CT scan. At 1am we got the results - you had a fractured skull and bleeding on the brain unfortunately. They couldn't tell us anything more so they sent your results to the Children's Hospital to get the neurosurgeons there to provide further advice around 8am. When the morning came around, the neurosurgeons said they were pretty happy that you didn't need surgery, but wanted to monitor you so you were transferred by ambulance, and you stayed for a further three nights in your own room at the children's hospital. We had thought after a couple of days you were fine to leave, however you vomited again just before we were meant to leave so you had to have another CT. We were told originally that there was further bleeding on your brain, but turns out the blood likely just shifted. So thankfully you could come home, and we were just to keep you from intense exercise for 6 weeks. Josie and Matt really missed seeing you and got so excited when you came home. Your dad and I were emotionally overwhelmed all week and are so sorry this happened to you Tobes. The trampoline was moved around so the entrance is now on grass and we are hyper-vigilant with your head! You were an absolute trooper during the whole ordeal and put up with everyone poking and proding you so well. We love you little guy and are so grateful you're ok. 

Love you all, 

Mum xxx

ETA: Three months later we had your check up at the children's hospital and you have made a complete recovery. We are so, so lucky. 


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