Monday, August 30, 2021

Josie at 11 months

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Below is my update on you Josie boo, that I posted on Instagram recently:

11 months 💜

 Oh my Josie girl. I am just becoming more and more obsessed with you. While we had a challenging month life-wise, you continued to make me smile constantly. While you may have been taking a few steps last month, this month you’ve become a master walker, you don’t need to hold onto anything and will walk the length of the house very confidently (even if you do look a bit like Frankenstein in the process). You’ll be running by 1 I’m sure. You’re clapping, pointing, attempting to click your fingers to get the cats’ attention (see the ‘clicking’ photo in this group) and doing ‘zzzzzing’ (putting your pointer finger to Gumps’ pointer finger, ET-style) and round and round the garden to your hand too. You’re saying Pepper, Archie and Soda, and calling your brothers ‘brudda’ and saying daddy and mummy as well. You’re still enjoying your eating and I’ve even managed to put you down without waking up during a few of your naps! You’re a champ in the car now and you love getting out and about, even if it’s just the school run or to the shops. I had to leave you for a few days this month with Tobes in hospital and you did just fine so going back to work in a few weeks shouldn’t be an issue thankfully. You looove reading books and will bring one over to me saying ‘bu bu bu’ and we’ll sit down and read it till you throw another one my way and the cycle starts again. You also love the baby doll we adopted back from Ma Ma and Gumps’ house and you’re always trying to lick its face 😆 You are happiest outside, wandering around attempting to eat gravel. We’re on our last month together baby girl and I just want to spend the whole time chilling with you because I’m addicted to your gorgeous personality and infectious smile.

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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