Monday, August 30, 2021

Josie's baptism and birthday


Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

Today we celebrated your first birthday, and your baptism, Josie! I can’t believe your first year has flown by this quickly. It has been such a joy to watch you grow, especially because you’re our lucky last. 

We started the day with your closet friends and family gathering at church to have you baptised. Like Toby, your godparents are your Aunty Robyn and Aunty Chantel. Ma Ma had kept the dress that I was baptised in and luckily it fit, so that was extra special to see you wearing my dress.We had a different priest to your brothers and when it came to pouring holy water on you, he decided instead to let you have a shower in it. You were absolutely drenched and weren’t very happy about it (rightly so!). Oh well, you are the most baptised baby around, and we were lucky to even hold your baptism and birthday party as there was a COVID scare yesterday with some truckers bringing the virus in over the border. Somehow we escaped lockdown! Anyway it was a lovely morning, even if you didn’t think so :)

For lunch we headed back to our place with everyone for a birthday feast and some delicious rainbow cake that your Aunty Robyn had made. It was so special to celebrate you with our nearest and dearest Josie! I wrote the below on my final monthly Instagram post for your first year:

Our beautiful Josie girl is 1!

Josie, a year ago you joined us as the final member of Team Keene and filled our lives with your infectious smile and laugh. I will be forever grateful for our days at home together this year, when you’d throw your favourite books into my lap for us to read over and over, then chatter away as you wander around the house with a piece of clothing or a tea towel in each hand. Thank you for choosing us to be your family- we hope you know just how much your brothers, your dad and I love you boo. Happy birthday our little joyful Josie 💜

 Love you all,

 Mum xxx

P.S. The photos are doing that strange backwards thing again, so scroll from the bottom up!

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